The Turkish site,"Yeni Safak" , said that the organization "Islamic state" in Iraq, Syria, or What so-called ISIS, issued an official passport in Mosul, on Friday (July 4, 2014) and gave it to the 11 thousand people in the cities and border points between Iraq and Syria, which tightened its control; That was after announcing the "Islamic Caliphate" last weekend.

At the top of the passport, the phrase "Islamic Caliphate State", and beside it the Flag of "Daash" in English Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). This was done in the center of identities and passport that was opened by the Iraqi government in 2011, on the base that the process of extracting identity cards beginning next week.

And in the bottom f this passport wrote "We will send armies to the bearer of this passport if he touched harm".


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